LGBTIQ Human Rights
LGBTIQ Human Rights
Even though the constitution of Nepal has secured equal rights for all human beings, in practice women and sexual minorities have always been side-out from the mainstream. The situations are like, whenever the rights holder need to get any of government and non-government service they were always been discriminated, hatred, stigmatized, sexually harassed by duty person, and even sometimes sexual minorities have been beaten by police officer in the street just for walking. Because of the patriarchal system, traditional social norms and values, such incidents are keep happing in our society. These all situations have prompted us to make request for grants.
A Story of journey:
While were working against child marriage in community, few girls have identified them self as lesbian because of the session we deliver on sexuality. They have talk to us about their orientation and was worried about how would their family will react on them after knowing the truth. Then we designed a program to empower sexual minorities and share the information about equal rights they have as other people. Since then we are regularly campaign for the right of women’s sexuality and rights of LGBITQ+.
Due to pandemic, access to work and livelihood is more likely to end, many of from the communities are unemployed and to live in poverty then general population. De-prioritization of access to health service is everywhere. Domestic violence and abuse due to lockdown is increasing, many of women and sexual minorities are confined in hostile environment with rigid and non supportive family member. Some of the members of LGBITQ+ community found it hard to deal with and committed to suicided and few have already attempted. Women and sexual minor are psychologically down in this crisis.