Agro based livelihood support

CIN focus on organic farming system by using women friendly technique and mechanism. This project has been doing in partnership with LTCLRC, Sainamaina and district agriculture office.

The agricultural sector in rural areas makes a large contribution to raising the prosperity for women mostly GBV survivors and trafficked women and to increase economic growth of the district as well as country. The GBV survivor of Rupandehi district engages in productive and profitable agricultural  and agri-business that ensure food security and increase household income in the women’s leadership which surely help to make a decision on her favor. In addition women’s independency, power relation with men and other family members as well as society have been increased significantly because of having own income generating project. Following activities are in action:

  • Formation of agriculture group of women farmers
  • Conduction of training on organic farming, commercial farming and marketing
  • Providing practical answers service to enquirers on organic farming and technique
  • Training on homemade pesticide
  • Training on mineral block
  • Training on vegetable farming and goat farming.